Identify your existing teaching experience

Welcome to the course!

I'm super excited you're here and taking the first step.

You probably think that you don't have any teaching experience. Well, I have good news for don't need classroom experience!

That's right, lots of other things can be counted as teaching experience.

If you have ever worked as a:

  • summer camp counselor
  • babysitter
  • Sunday School teacher
  • music teacher - teaching an instrument like piano or trumpet
  • home school teacher
  • private tutor

all of this can be counted as teaching experience.

Furthermore, if you have lead training sessions in your job or created educational materials, that also counts as teaching experience.

In short, anything you've done in a leadership role where you taught or showed someone how to do something can count as experience.

Now, I want you to write down or leave a comment with all the things you can count as experience.

Your next step is to go to VIPKID and fill out the application. Make sure you enter all your relevant teaching experience and use keywords that relate to teach and teaching.

Click here to do that now.

If you need help, I'm happy to jump on a call and go through it together.

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